LEGION Model Builder Help

Setting Dispersal Point parameters

Dispersal Points instruct Entities on how and where to disperse themselves within the area of a Delay Point. Without them, Entities would congest near the borders of the Delay Point and create a pattern that applies well to some situations (such as rooms or carriages) but not so well in others. FDPs ‘encourage’ Entities to find positions to wait further inside the area of the Delay Point.

However many FDPs you place in your Delay Point, their Entity weightings must all add up to 100%. This percentage is allocated automatically by the software but you can change these settings using the following procedure.

Note: If a delay is brief, an Entity may actually fulfil its delay requirements while walking towards a Dispersal Point.

To set Dispersal Point parameters:

  1. On the Edit Delay Point dialog, click on the Dispersion tab to see a list of one or more Dispersal Points.
  2. Double-click on the Weighting value of one of the Dispersal Points.
  3. Enter a new value, ensuring that all values total 100%.
  4. Press Enter.

    Click Uniform weighting to spread the 100% weighting equally between the FDPs if required. If your current distribution falls short of 100%, you can select an FDP and then click Make up to 100% to increase its percentage so that the total equals 100%.

  5. Click OK to save the Delay Point parameters.